The Average explores how the increasing measurability in our society forms us. In a time when our own fire should be greatest –– where we constantly compare ourselves to each other –– are we all still part of the same mean value? The Average wants to use the mean value as a way of talking about human existence. What happens when everybody wants to stand out from the crowd? What is the total sum of our unique value? The viewer follows associative threads on the average in different chapters with visual nodes in the form of Dali’s melting clocks, a centipede that breaks in two and an Ikaros who no longer wants to burn. Smeds creates a new mythology and language of symbols to embody the tale of the average. 

Iris Smeds works with issues regarding identity as merchandise and art as entertainment. Her projects often are shaped as video pieces and public performances and deal with comparing the monetary and spiritual value of art and humankind which are all elaborated with surrealism and poetry as a method for the production of ideas. In addition to her visual practice, Iris Smeds also performs with her one-woman punk band Vaska Fimpen. Smeds was the 2019 recipient of the Maria Bonnier stipendium and has exhibited widely in Sweden and internationally.


Sponsored by Lietuvos kultūros taryba, Nordic Culture Fund.
